Campus Alert is introduced as a module to the VoiceGate Emergency e-Response mass message notification and emergency planning system. The addition of the ability to seize every desktop and digital display within any network and post and announce an alert will enable emergency planners to manage evacuations and disseminate emergency instructions faster than by calling or sending SMS messages in campus, educational and business settings.
“The genesis of the idea behind the Campus Alert module came to us by analyzing the series of events that must take place when an emergency occurs within any building or campus. The first people you need to alert, say, are campus police; then you need to start the evacuation process by calling everyone on your contact list” – says Paul Perryman President, VoiceGate Division, adding “By taking over the local area network, and instantly pushing audio and visual alerts to the displays or digital signage within any building or buildings, we would get the message out faster and more effectively than by using ASP notification services: making it a module on our e-Response platform made even more sense”.
The Emergency e-Response Mass-message Notification system is designed to open industry standards and capable of delivering messages to thousands of people simultaneously, on multiple devices: phone, cell phone, answering machine, voice mail, fax, SMS, pager, any internet ready device – and now, “bulk” networked display notification.
The Emergency e-Response is an Emergency Notification and Planning tool built to Police and Military specifications and capable of supporting GIS based automated notification campaigns. This feature is a critical component when managing emergencies within large campus settings. Geographically targeted computers; or, digital displays within a network can now be selected within a mapped facility, enabling certain floors within a building to receive specific; or, different messages than others.
The GIS capability of our HIPPA and FERPA compliant Emergency e-response mass message delivery system, coupled with the new Campus Alert functionality, will enable security forces to visually instruct the residents of one area of campus to “shelter in place” while others may receive notices or instructions to better manage a planned, orderly evacuation.
For more information contact:
905-508-0355 / 1-800-668-2387 or sales@voicegate.com
Paul Perryman, President, VoiceGate Corporation - ext. 203
David Greenidge, Product Manager, VoiceGate Corporation - ext. 205