The Emergency Response, powered by VoiceGate's
dialing engine, scales from 2 ports to 128 ports allowing
business, industry and government emergency and business continuity
planners to communicate quickly and accurately with their
primary and secondary response teams across all industry standard
communication devices. Planners can prepare for a crisis by
pre-identifying response groups; or groups with specific skill
setsand the message they would deliver to that particular
group given a certain condition or emergency unfolds. If and
when a specific emergency takes place, planners are ready
to click a button on the Emergency Response to launch a dialing
campaign to a specific group of responders - the system simply
picks up all available lines, internet connections and dials
to deliver the message to up to five different numbers per
The Emergency Response comes with either a French
or English GUI (Spanish is in development), complete with
accompanying English, French Canadian (and soon Spanish) text
to speech engines allowing planners to communicate with their
responders in both of Canada's official languages. Planners
can easily change messages by simply typing them into the
system. Pull down menus allow for quick changes of the dialing
scenario the system will execute to deliver a specific message
to a specific group or sub-group of responders. Available
scenarios are: Message delivery (dial, deliver message); Fit
For Duty (dial, identify responder, "are you fit for
duty" deliver message); Fit For Duty - Arrival (dial,
identify responder, "are you fit for duty" deliver
message, "Enter when you will arrive"), Voice Casting
(dial, identify responder, pull them back into a conference
call); Automated Contact Verification (dial, identify responder,
automatically update responders contact information).
Rapid Notification = Saved Lives
On the rare occasions when an emergency or crisis occurs on campus, we want to be able to contact you quickly with information or instructions. Our Campus Alert module "The VoiceGate Emergency e-Response mass message notification and emergency planning system." Has the ability to seize every desktop and digital display within any network and post and announce an alert will enable emergency planners to manage evacuations and disseminate emergency instructions faster than by calling or sending SMS messages in campus, educational and business settings.
To read more "click here"